Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Pine kitchen table and chairs

Today we hired a transit van and drove 40 miles south to Wareham near Poole Harbour to pick up a large pine table and four chairs for our kitchen. Yesterday we had made a successful bid for the table and chairs at one of the regular auctions held by Cottees, auctioneers in Wareham since 1903. Getting the table into our kitchen was quite a struggle as none of the kitchen's three entrances is wider than 29 inches and the table's smallest dimension (its legs) is 31 inches. Eventually we managed it by a sort of sideways limbo dance, two legs first, then the table moving slowly through an arc with the last two legs following. Our table is of course second hand but even without wax polishing it looks pretty good - see photo.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Youth Theatre (again!)

One of our 15 year old members designed this publicity poster on his computer, Isn't it good? If you would like tickets, give us a call.

Monday, February 15, 2010


Auditions for parts in the play were held last Friday night and the young people waited anxiously to hear if they had got the part they wanted. Some had, some hadn't, but they were very brave about it. Others did not want to act at all and throughout the evening groups met to discuss scenery and props, publicity, costume, music, dancing and all the things needed for a stage production. The photos show the group together and various smaller groups planning and practicing dancing.

Friday, February 12, 2010


Last Friday was the first meeting of the 2010 Youth Theatre. 32 young people aged from 8 to 16 met in the Village Hall to read through the script which some of them had written, to chose a name for the play (Dust and Bones) and to volunteer for roles both on stage and backstage. They will meet under adult guidance for the next seven weeks then put on three performance on 26 and 27 March. Acting, set construction, props, costumes, music, dance, sound, lights, publicity, front-of-house etc will all be done by the young people, who pay £1 a week to attend. The Youth Theatre started in 2009 under the guidance of Jenny Peet and Bill Closs and "Dust and Bones" builds on last year's play to become an intriguing murder/mystery/whodunit involving both real and imagined characters in the village. So successful was last year's youth theatre that Somerset County Council have made a generous grant to cover the cost of filming this year's, a new sound system and lights, costumes, makeup, and improved changing facilities. Watch this space.