Friday, April 29, 2011

Royal Wedding

Wasn't the Royal Wedding exciting? Wasn't the bride lovely? And all that pageantry, music, bands, horses, soldiers and ceremony? We played our part - early this morning I hoisted a union flag on an improvised flagpole in our garden (my parents bought the flag for the Coronation in 1953 and its a bit frayed with age). Then we went down to the Village Hall where the BBC TV broadcast was shown on a big screen. Some people brought picnics and cream teas were given out free of charge! It was all good fun.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Youth Theatre

Friday and Saturday 8 and 9 April saw the third Youth Theatre production in our Village Hall, once again directed by Jenny. For the previous 7 weeks 20 young people aged between 8 and 13 had come to the Village Hall for two hours every Friday evening to take part in the lighthearted musical "Captain Noah and his Floating Zoo", written many years ago by Flanders and Horowitz. There was singing, acting and dancing to learn, posters, tickets and programmes to design, a sound track and costumes to make, refreshments and raffle tickets to sell and the young people tackled all these tasks under the helpful direction of a team of adult "mentors". They enjoyed taking part and the audiences loved the show (three performances) so once again a successful and worthwhile exercise.