Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Cheeky monkeys!

On 20 December we all left Appelsbosch and moved to a large rented house right next to the Indian Ocean at Ramsgate (yes, Margate was just along the coast - there are a lot of English place names in the area). On 23 December Jenny and I returned early from the beach to find a troupe of vervet monkeys eating bananas on the drive. "How cute" we thought, and took a few snaps before realising that the bananas were ours - the clever monkeys had got through the window bars, opened the slightly open windows a bit more and were all over our kitchen - we had to chase them out. They had eaten or damaged most of our Christmas fruit - bananas, plums, nectarines, kiwi fruit and apples, leaving only the oranges. They had eaten our bread, attacked a packet of cheese biscuits and, like naughty boys, had eaten all the inside of a fruit loaf and left the crust (see photo of dish of damaged stuff we swept up). Fortunately we were able to replenish our food supplies on Christmas Eve and after that kept the fruit and bread hidden away in cupboards when not in use. Even then the monkeys managed to steal some bananas one breakfast time and one dinner time were so active that Noah and I had to stand monkey-watch armed with brooms.

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