Friday, March 18, 2011

Libby Peet

When we were in South Africa over Christmas our granddaughter Libby kindly gave us a large picture which she had painted herself when she was 5 years old. It just fitted into our suitcase without folding and is now on the wall of our study (see picture). Libby celebrated her 6th birthday whilst we were there, one of the celebrations being a family meal in an Italian restaurant (see picture). Olly and Sally adopted Libby under Liberian law when she was just a few months old and she is still a Liberian citizen. Currently the entire family is living and working on the Mercy Ship, Africa Mercy, in Freetown, Sierra Leone, and shortly they will start the process of getting a visa to bring Libby into the UK. So far they have been told that they must go to Ghana to get the visa but this involves a lengthy and expensive journey across West Africa. Please pray that the process of getting a visa for Libby is not too difficult so that she can come to the UK this summer.

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