Thursday, August 19, 2010

Henry Moore Foundation, Hertfordshire

We've just returned from a 850 mile tour of Hertfordshire and Yorkshire during which we met up with 18 friends and relatives. In Hertfordshire we stayed with our friends Wendy and Keith who took us to the Henry Moore Foundation's centre at Perry Green, near Much Hadham. Moore set up the Foundation as a charity to promote the arts and it now does much good work both in the UK and internationally. We had a tour of Moore's house and some of his workshops and saw much of his prolific output, from small drawings up to massive sculptures weighing several tons. Whilst all of these sculptures were very cleverly thought out and brilliantly executed in all kinds of materials we still had difficulty reconciling the titles of some of them with the finished work of art. No doubt I was missing something but my favourite, perhaps because it looks like its title, was the family group on the bench. If you want to see them for yourself you will have to hurry as the centre close to the public for the season on 30 August. (Top photo shows Wendy comparing sculpture to its title in the guide - can you tell what it is?)

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